Section B subsection 05 - Mining of coal and lignite |
Section B subsection 06 - Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas |
Section B subsection 091 - Support activities for petroleum and natural gas extraction |
Section A - Agriculture, forestry, and fishing |
Section C subsection 102 - Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans, and mollusks |
Section C subsection 120 - Manufacture of tobacco products |
Section G - Wholesale and retail trade, except for the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles |
Section L - Real estate activities |
Section R subsection 920 - Gambling and betting activities |
Section K - Financial and insurance activities |
Section J subsection 62 - Programming, consultancy, and related activities |
Section M subsection 69 - Legal activities and accounting |
Section M subsection 70 - Activities of head offices and management consultancy |
Section M group 71129 - Other engineering activities |
Section M subsection 73 - Advertising and market research |
Section N subsection 77 - Renting and leasing |
Section N subsection 782 - Temporary employment agency activities |