Support for Improving Fish Spawning Conditions

The aim of the support is to contribute to the improvement of fish stocks and the preservation of the environment and biological diversity by improving the condition of fish spawning areas, habitats, and migration routes.

Legal formGovernment organization
Start date21 Aug 2024
End date30 Jun 2029
Budget6,000,000 EUR

Grant application conditions

Applicant type
  • State-owned organization whose activity involves organizing practical nature conservation work on state land
Supported activities
  • Opening fish migration routes
  • Restoring and creating fish habitats and spawning areas
  • Preliminary studies related to the restoration of spawning areas or opening fish migration routes
  • Design work and related studies, environmental impact pre-assessment, and environmental impact assessment report
  • Monitoring the functioning of restored or newly created spawning areas and fish passages
Legal basis
  • Activities are supported only if they are included in an official program addressing the improvement and restoration of fish habitats and spawning conditions in Estonia for the years 2023-2034.
Requirement for research and development institutions
  • Preliminary studies related to the restoration of spawning areas or opening fish migration routes, as well as monitoring the functioning of restored or newly created spawning areas and fish passages, must be carried out by accredited research and development institutions that meet applicable standards and quality requirements.
Justification of costs
  • The costs of supported activities are considered justified if they are directly related to the implementation of the supported activities and ensure the most rational and economical use of financial resources.
Reimbursement of indirect costs
  • Indirect costs are reimbursed at a flat rate of 15% of directly eligible costs.
Requirements for submitting support applications
  • Support can be requested for the implementation of only one activity per application.
  • For example, fish migration routes can be opened or the condition of fish habitats and spawning areas can be restored in several sections of one river or on different rivers.
Application requirements
  • The application must include a description of the activity's objective, a budget, and other necessary documents confirming the project's compliance with the set objectives and requirements.
Payment of support
  • The recipient of the support must submit all required documents confirming the implementation of the supported activity. The decision to pay the support will be made within 25 working days after the submission of the required documents.
Obligations of the support recipient
  • The obligations of the support recipient include implementing the project according to the approved plan, reporting on the results, and fulfilling other relevant requirements, including submitting and maintaining monitoring data.