School Scheme Support 2024/2025

The aim of the support is to promote the availability of fruits, vegetables, milk, and dairy products for children and to support the development of healthy eating habits.

Legal formGovernment organization, NGO, Company
Start date1 Nov 2024

The unit price for a portion of fruit or vegetables (at least 100 g) is 0.21 euros; the unit price for a portion of milk or dairy products (at least 250 ml) is 0.22 euros.

Grant application conditions

  • Educational institutions (e.g., kindergarten, primary school, basic school, high school), city or municipal governments on behalf of educational institutions located in their territory, a legal entity representing one or more educational institutions (e.g., caterer, dairy industry).
Target group
  • Children in pre-school institutions and students in grades 1–9 of educational institutions.
Geographical restriction
  • From August 1, 2025, only fruits, vegetables, milk, and dairy products whose place of cultivation or production is located within 300 km of the educational institution will be eligible.