Application round for citizen engagement and participation (CERV 2025 Citizens, Civ)
The purpose of the application round is to promote the development of civil society and encourage citizens' participation in the European Union's decision-making processes by supporting various projects involving civic activity and participation.
Call for Proposals for Children's Rights and Participation (CERV-2025-CHILD)
The aim of the call for proposals is to support projects that protect and promote children's rights. In all project activities, it is important to involve children to instill in organizations the right of children to participate in shaping policies that affect them.
Support for International Conferences
We support the organization of international conferences in Estonia and their marketing in foreign markets to increase the number of higher-paying foreign visitors coming to Estonia and to enhance Estonia's recognition as a tourist destination in foreign markets.
Innovation Voucher
The Innovation Voucher is a targeted grant that enables companies to procure services necessary for product development from innovation service providers. Projects eligible for funding are those aimed at developing novel solutions in at least one of the RDI focus areas and for which the applicant lacks the necessary resources, knowledge, skills, or experience.
Development Cooperation Experts in Product and Service Development
Development cooperation experts help companies find and connect with the best experts in development, testing, and certification, as well as researchers and research institutions in Estonia and around the world, who assist companies in developing and bringing their new products and services to market.
Support for the implementation of the development plan for creative entrepreneurs
Support for creative entrepreneurs to develop and implement innovative solutions, as well as to develop products, services, technologies, processes, and personnel. Also suitable for creating new market opportunities and modernizing business models.
Consultation on Recruiting Foreign Specialists
A free 30-minute consultation for companies that provides an overview of the process, timeline, and budget for recruiting specialists from abroad, as well as introduces opportunities to support the adaptation of foreign specialists and their families.
Support for improving the energy efficiency of coastal and inland fishing vessels for the period 2021–2027
The aim of the support is to reduce the fuel consumption of fishing vessels used in professional coastal and inland fishing, increase energy efficiency, and reduce CO₂ emissions by supporting the replacement of engines in fishing vessels under 12 meters.
Recognition of Producer Organizations and Unions of Producer Organizations
The support is aimed at producer organizations and their unions to promote joint activities, increase the competitiveness of members, and improve the organization of production and marketing of agricultural products.
Increasing the impact of research and supporting the institutional knowledge transfer capacity of research institutions and universities (Astra+)
The aim of the grant is to enhance the knowledge transfer capacity of research and development institutions and universities by improving the application of research results in business and society.
Investment support for increasing the competitiveness of rural entrepreneurs for the period 2023–2027
The aim of the support is to increase the competitiveness of entrepreneurs operating permanently in rural areas, create new attractive jobs, and contribute to balanced regional development.
Support for the Development of Recognized Producer Organizations and Associations of Recognized Producer Organizations
The aim of the support is to improve the management capacity of recognized producer organizations and associations of recognized producer organizations and to ensure their sustainable development.
Support for Investments in Processing Fisheries and Aquaculture Products (New Products) 2025
The aim of the support is to help fisheries enterprises make their processing processes more environmentally friendly by supporting investments in the processing of new fisheries and aquaculture products.
Call for Applications for Networks of Towns/Municipalities (CERV-2025-CITIZENS-TOWN-NT)
The aim of the support is to promote interaction between citizens of different countries, especially through networks of towns and municipalities, providing them with practical experience of the richness and diversity of the European Union's common heritage and raising awareness that this is the foundation for a shared future.